Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Babys first steps!

My youngest daughter took her first steps on April 3rd at 11:30 PM! It was great to see her take those first steps! I thought I would miss them for some reason..but nope, she waited until mommy and daddy were looking to do it! :)

It is a blessing for us. Our oldest is Developmental Delayed and she didn't walk until almost 16 months. When I got pregnant with youngest, I was pretty leary because I thought she would be the same..but she has surprised us all with her talents!

I love my kids!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Roberts point of view

Robert went into the ER and said he was having pains. They had him sit in the waiting room for awhile because he was not sure what was going on. Then they took Robert back. (I was not there at this time keep in my mind..as stated in the other blog) They hooked him up to a EKG and his heart rate was through the roof. He got a asprin to chew and some nitroglycerin. Then things started going fast. They took a chest X-Ray and discovered about his mild heart attack. They had him cover up with a blanket while they stripped him quick and had him put a gown on. They then told Robert he would need a heart cath and a stint put in his heart and they would know more about what is going on.

They took Robert back to be prepped (at this point I had shown up) and told Robert everything that was going on. At that point, they told him that I had shown up and he was pretty happy about that. They took him back and he was put under a mild sedative. He remembers voices and some feelings. He remembers pressure in his chest (they were doing some things in his heart and placing the stint) he also remembers a burning sensation (they were putting the dye in to check it out). He remembers them asking him to take a deep breath as well (they were taking pictures of his heart). From that point, he was pretty tired (as all patients are) and he was put in the ICU to start his recovery.

At that point it was pretty much a groggy state for him. He was pretty tired and I don't blame him a bit. He remembers me and MIL coming him. He remembers a little bit of S coming in...he doesn't really remember answering health questions however (but I did! LOL.) At that point he had to lay for quite awhile. He had a shunt put into his groin area and had to lay prone for quite awhile. He got that taken out while I was in the hosptial with him.

The next day he was a little more awake and alert. He enjoyed his heart healthy breakfast....french toast and coffee..and I came up with MIL and T to visit him. He enjoyed our company and we left after awhile and called him once afterwards. He was still hooked up to IV's and oxygen at this point. He had a cheeseburger for dinner. :) Sometime that night, he was transfered upstairs to a room which he shared with another nice gentleman (who came in two hours after him that day)

After that, it was mainly rest. He did have to get up and walk and he was heart monitored until he was released from the hospital. He is glad that he got out and he hopes never to go back there again. LOL. He does, however, miss the food! Brat man!

Friday, March 26, 2010

A heart attack can change everything...

This post is on my point of view about the day of Roberts heart attack. My next blog is about Roberts story from what he has told me and from what I have observed (things he did not remember).

On Saint Patricks Day, I had the most scariest experience of my life. My husband had a mild heart attack..at 36 years old. It was a major wake up call for me and him both, as I had that chance of losing him. Here is my story:

My husband came upstairs around 8 AM saying he had chest pain and some arm pain. At this point, I had no idea what was going on. So, I had him take some ibupfrofan and take a hot bath. Two hot baths later, he was still hurting. So, his mom and I told him to go to the hospital to get checked. I told him I would be there later after I take Skylar to her WIC appointment.

I went to WIC and had a great appointment. Then, I decided to wander over to the ER. There, I got a drink then asked where he was. I was told where, and I headed on back. I didn't see him. A nice gentleman saw me and asked if I was me. I said yes, and he said I needed to follow him. Then he told me about Roberts heart attack. I started getting scared at this point and he said that he would be fine and he led me to a waiting room. I sat there for about 10 minutes. I was scared out of my wits.

A nurse came out and brought me back to this room to speak to the doctor. She said they were going to do a cath and put a stent into Roberts heart because he had clots in his heart. They gave me all of Roberts things, including his ring. I was still tearing up at this point. They led me to another waiting room and showed me a phone to use.

I started calling people. I called home first and found out my MIL was on her way. They had called home and WIC looking for me. My BIL asked how Robert was. I told him what I knew, got some phone numbers I needed and told him I would call him back. I called my friend T and my friend S. I left messages on their voice mails. I called my oldest daughters school bus and told them I needed my BIL to get her off the bus. They said OK. MIL showed up. She started calling people she thought would need to know and I got her a soda. I came back to find out S and T had shown up. That was a big relief in itself.

We sat in that waiting room for 3 hours. It was the longest 3 hours of our lives. Then the doctor came in and said Robert was fine. What a big sigh of relief! They showed me pictures of his heart. The after picture was the best in my opinion. We were led to the ICU waiting room and after I let my mom know he was OK, I was allowed to see him.

I went in the ICU and he was happy to see me. He was pretty drugged up however. That is normal though. I helped answer some questions because he was groggy. I stayed there until 8 PM and then I went home that night. The minute I got home, I started posting on everything I knew needing prayers for Robert. Thanks for all the support everyone!

He stayed in the hospital until Saturday..the first day of Spring. That was a day to celebrate for sure! While he was there, I met his roommate..who came in 2 hours after he did on St Pats day. He had a double stent unlike Robert who only had one.

All I can say is that having to deal with this situation when you are only 28 and only been married for 5 years is hard. Robert being only 36, this was a big shocker for him as well..but he has been placed on a great diet and I am proud to say he has not had one cigarette since he has been there.

Thats all I can really blog for now. All I can say it was a life changing experience and I am just glad he is here.

My word of wisdom: Take care of yourself!